We’re here to help! Call us at 724-223-1181.
The Intervention Program is a program designed to help those who are in the earliest stages of change. Some of the people that may benefit from this program are those that feel they don’t have a problem, those that just need to fulfill requirements for Probation, those that are tired of being told they have a problem, those that aren’t sure they are ready to make changes and those that have tried several times to make changes before and haven’t been successful.
Referrals to the program are made through the Washington Drug and Alcohol Commission, Inc. Case Mangers and the criminal justice system.
The curriculum is based on Prochaska and DiClemente’s research (1984) and development of the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) and is presented in a psychoeducational format by a drug and alcohol professional.
The program is held at the drug and alcohol conference room from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Participation is by referral only and space is limited with a maximum of 25 participants in any one session. Intervention Group sessions are held the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. For additional information, please call 724-221-1181 x110.
All participants in the Washington Drug and Alcohol Commission’s Intervention Program must agree and sign their agreement to the following:
• Agree to arrive on time. Anyone that does not arrive on time, will not be permitted to attend the session.
• Agree to attend the full session.
• Agree to NO Smoking or loitering in the building or in close proximity to the building.
• Agree to be drug and alcohol free during each session.
• Agree to NOT bring any alcohol, drugs, drug paraphernalia, firearms, weapons or other items capable of being used as weapons onto the Commission’s premises.
• Agree to NO cell phone use, all phones will be turned off during the program.
• Agree to pay the fee to participate in the Intervention Program of $20. Anyone who does not complete the program, will NOT be reimbursed.
• Agree to keep the identity of these individuals along with all information obtained completely confidential.
• Agree to not taking pictures–it is NOT permitted.
To complete the Intervention Program, all participants must comply with all of the rules listed above and complete the program. Once completed the participants that wish to go for treatment may schedule to have an assessment. For those participants referred from probation, a letter of completion will be sent to the probation officer.